
Current students

Drop-in appointments for current students

Immigration and settlement drop-in sessions

  • Location: the UFV International Global Lounge (Abbotsford B223)
  • Meet with Li Yan (RISIA):
    • Monday and Tuesday 1pm – 3pm
  • Meet with Rafael Liang (RCIC):
    • Wednesday 2:30 - 3:30 pm
    • Thursday and Friday: 2pm – 3pm

Immigration and settlement appointments
(in-person & virtual)


Immigration Workshops

  • Register here for an upcoming immigration workshop to receive general tips and updates from UFV's Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant.

Study permit/work permit virtual drop-in sessions

  • Book an virtual appointment with John Fernando (RCIC) to discuss your study permit or work permit situation.
  • Drop-ins are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis and can be booked daily from 8 am (PST)

Tuition and fees for international students

Find out how much it costs to attend UFV as a returning international student. Specific tuition and fees depend on your program and any additional costs.

Register for courses as a current international student 

As a returning international student, you get priority over domestic students for your course choices.

Learn how to get help from an advisor, figure out which courses you need, build a schedule, change your program, and register.

Immigration: Study permits and visas

For current students, renew or restore your study permit and find out more about immigration. If you are an incoming international student, see Apply for study permits and visas.

Records and official letters

At any time before, during, or after your time at UFV, you may need a letter from us. These letters confirm details from our records about you. You may need them for work, travel, further education, or other purposes.

Work in Canada

As an international student, you can get paid work experience in Canada. You do not need a separate work permit if your study permit says you are allowed to work. There are other criteria depending on whether you are a full-time, part-time, or graduating student. You must also get a social insurance number and file an income tax return.

Get help while at UFV

Whether you are a new student or a returning student, we can help you adjust to university life and living in Canada. We have resources, support, and ideas to guide you at UFV and in your life in the community.

Student life

Get involved in your community! Make new friends from your own and other cultures, share peer support, and explore the region around UFV. We have lots of opportunities for you to enjoy yourself, enrich your university experience, and help others learn with you.

Contact Us